When we first moved into our house, I wanted to make sure that we kept our electronics as safe as possible. The first thing I did was secure our remotes with this super easy remote control hack.
If you have kiddos with grabby hands, this trick is for you. If you have a knack for losing every remote in 10 seconds flat, this hack will be your best friend! If you have a stack of remotes that always seem to get mixed up, keep reading.
Secure your remote controls (or clickers or channel hoppers or whatever else you call them!) with something that seems so obvious – Command strips! (affiliate link) The size small holds up to 1lb of weight, so if your remote is a bit heavier, you might want to move on to the medium Command Strips. (affiliate link)
Just secure one Command strip to the back of your remote and one strip to the surface you’d like to attach it to. When you want to put your remotes “up”, simply squish the two strips together (sort of like using Velcro).
We chose to hang ours on the wall, low enough for my oldest kids to reach, but too high for my little ones to mess with.
You could also do the same thing on your coffee table, your entertainment center, or in a drawer. The Command strips give it an extra bit of security, and it’s easy to see when they’re missing and need to be put back up! The best part is that they won’t damage your surfaces when you choose to remove them!
If you ever change remotes, or have to have one replaced because your kids threw yours against the hard floor one too many times (not that I know anything about that), it’s easy to just apply a new Command strip to the new remote. Easy!
What are your favorite quick and easy hacks to use around the home?

This is so smart!