I can’t believe it, but I am entering my 15th year of homeschooling! We started back last Thursday, and I am homeschooling my four boys. I have 4th, 7th, 9th, and 12th graders. My daughter graduated already, so it’s another year with just the guys.
I did want to mention something that we just started recently. My oldest signed up for Smarter by 1 Degree earlier this year, and I decided to sign both of my high schoolers up for it as well. I am sharing my own experience about this and am not an affiliate or anything for SB1D.
What is Smarter by 1 Degree?
This company is a planning service that has made agreements with several universities to allow students to gain their credits less expensively than initially enrolling at the university, and transfer them in to finish the degree off through the university. You can get the exact same degrees through the universities themselves for many thousands more dollars, or take them through Sb1D and save the money. With 5 kids, I’m choosing the option that is going to save me the most money.
I don’t want to give away the details about how it works because it changes a bit as they make agreements with different universities or new opportunities arise. I don’t want to give outdated information.
The methods we’re using to get my kids their Bachelor’s degrees through partner universities with Smarter by 1 Degree eliminates busy work, allows you to work on the classes when it is convenient for you in most cases, and offers a lot of flexibility. For the high school student, they complete their lessons, take quizzes, turn in assignments, and take a final for their class. This sounds like a normal high school course, right? Well, it IS – and – they also receive college credit simultaneously.
There are dozens of Bachelor’s degrees available in many different areas of study. Each of my 3 teens are pursuing a different degree, and they’re all excited about what they’re working on and learning. The convenience of an online degree with a much lower price tag is a huge win in my book. Most degrees cost less than $15,000 ALL IN, with many under $10,000.
Smarter by 1 Degree also offers this service for adult learners, and I believe they will have a Master’s program available soon if they don’t already. They host webinars pretty frequently if you’re interested in teen or adult programs. They post about them on their Facebook page and the homepage of their website.
If you’re looking for an affordable, self-paced option for higher education, I recommend Smarter by 1 Degree. I’m really glad to have found it. My older students really appreciate the ease of the program and that it has no fluff. I really appreciate the huge amount of money we are saving while putting my teenagers through college.