I am not much into resolutions for the New Year. I’m not great at long term planning, not because I’m a flake, but because I get so busy and distracted and life just changes! I’m quick to adapt, and don’t mind.
I want to share a few of my goals for 2017, and I’m love to hear what yours are.
My Goals for 2017
I want to be more patient.
People tell me all the time how patient I must be with 5 kids. I always laugh at that. Nope, I’m not that “whispering mother” type at all. I have 5 kids. For those of you with less, think about that and how that must be in daily life. For those of you with more kids, congratulations on your blessings and I hope you have figured out the patience thing better than I have! I’m usually totally spent at the end of the day, after dealing with all the kids, so my patience level for my husband is pretty low too. That’s not fair to him. I have to get better in this area.
I want to have more me time.
I think this one is a goal every year. Sometimes I get really good at pampering myself and taking care of my own needs. Then life takes over, I get busy, my kids and husband need more, or my blog or massage business need more, and I’m back at square one. I need to prioritize myself. Through trial and error, I’ve found that simply having an hour or two away from the house isn’t going to cut it. Just taking a long soak in the tub isn’t going to be a long term solution either. I need a vacation, and I’m not talking one night. My 15 year anniversary is coming up, so maybe I can carve out some time with my husband.
I want to spend more quality time with my husband.
I work some nights and almost every weekend. I homeschool all day long and feel haggard at the end of my day. He deserves more quality time with me, but also deserves the nice version of me. We have been together over 15 years, and our 15th wedding anniversary will be in April of 2017. We need to figure out a good balance between scheduled dates and impromptu opportunities to hang out.
I want to make sure my business ventures are worth it.
This one will honestly probably be the hardest. I work on this blog as a business. I do massage therapy part time as a business. I need to take a good, hard look at the time I’m spending with both businesses and find out how to work smarter. I also need to make sure that if I need to walk away from certain aspects, that I can have the discernment to make that call and follow through. I want my “extra” time to go to my family, and if certain business decisions aren’t worth it or aren’t on the cusp of being worth it, then they’re probably best to say Bye Bye to.
I want to create great memories with my kids.
We had a lot of fun in 2016. They all loved their New Braunfels vacation, and getting to explore San Antonio and Austin, too. It was, by far, our best family vacation. I would love to have another great family vacation in 2017. I’d also like to make memories in other ways. My older kids have expressed interest in learning how to cook, so I want to make an effort to have them help me in the kitchen more. I want to do meaningful outings with them, and play more board games and imaginative play here at home.
What are your goals for 2017?
I think all of mine are good starting points. Do I expect to have them all mastered by the end of the year? Yeah, right! I do, however, think that it’s important to write it down so that you know exactly what you’re working toward. Everyone has to start somewhere!

I too want to spend more time with my husband in 2017, and I REALLY need to work on the patience thing as well
It’s so difficult to be patient, especially with the people we interact with the most!
Jennifer Land recently posted…My Goals for 2017
My big one (as chosen by the hubs) is delegating things.
I have a bad habit of thinking only I can do it the “right” or “best” way.
So like Elsa I will LET iT Go!!
Oh, that one is tough! Once you get over the fact that it won’t be as perfect as you would have done it, it sure is freeing to let others take on some of the burden. 🙂
Jennifer Land recently posted…My Goals for 2017
My goal last year was to make friends in my new city. This year, to take it a step further, I plan on having ppl over every once in a while-which is mega out of my comfort zone.
Oh, you’re a natural! It’s going to be a fun year for you!
Jennifer Land recently posted…My Goals for 2017
My goals also include patience, and more time for my husband. Also to not say yes so much to doing everything. I need to learn to do less!
Oh yes, it’s so easy to get roped into doing WAY too much. Even if others don’t expect it, we set those expectations for ourselves.
Jennifer Land recently posted…20 Delicious Paleo Side Dishes
Patience… I think 99% of us Mama’s can agree that it’s a hard area and will probably ALWAYS be an area that needs work. Hard to tell my son to be patient when I myself am not patient in return with him!!! Every year I say I WILL be a healthier version of myself and then by Valentines I’m eating chocolate candy hearts… something has to give. I’ve got to find that one thing that works for me. I feel sluggish and I don’t sleep well, my daily wardrobe doesn’t consist of ANYTHING with a button or zipper! Lol I vow to drop 20 lbs. (55 lbs would be nice) Family time with Daddy included is another at the top of the list. He works so hard for us and I want to really carve out time for us 3 to just be together. Roman is 3 and a half and just wants to be with us. That won’t always be the case so I need to soak it up NOW. My last may seem silly but I need to be in the picture more. Literally IN the snapshot. I have soooo many of my son, him and his friends, the dog, him and Daddy and a few of us. I want more candid shots that years from now we will BOTH love to look at and laugh at the memories we made… I thinkany of us Mama’s could benefit from really making a point to not hide behind the camera bit be IN the frame. Maybe ill.even make a Facebook group of ways to do just that and each month have a theme and we can all share! Might be fun and give me something to have fun working on!!! 🙂 Cheers to 2017
Good grief I didn’t mean to type a novel!
Messaging you on FB! 🙂
That sounds awesome! If you do start a group, let me know. 🙂 I need to try and remember to take more pictures this year in general!!
Jennifer Land recently posted…Pickle Dip Recipe with a Twist
I like that you picked doable goals. A lot of people fail at the goal thing because they set the bar way to high. You are aiming to be better…not perfect…but better. That is great!!!
Ah, me too. I hope I’ll be able to achieve all my goals this year.