Update: This program is no longer available and the link leads to pornography. 🙁 I’m sorry!
I’m leaving the review up so you can read about what was available and so you can read about it’s discontinuation.
My 3 year old and 5 year old love to work on educational websites on the computer. They were more than willing to try out the La La Logic Preschool Curriculum, which we were given a lifetime membership to for this review. I mostly used it with my 3 year old, because he is always looking for fun ways to learn and be just like his bigger siblings by working on the computer.
La La Logic
La La Logic is an online curriculum for preschoolers. They recommend ages 3-6, but my son started when he was still 2 and really loved being able to do preschool activities. With over 500 activities throughout the program, kids can easily engage and learn without getting bored. The activities range from early math skill practice to practicing early language skills. There are puzzles and patterns and matching and problem solving games to play.
While it does consist of the online activities, there are also printable worksheets and enrichment activities to do offline. These include cutting and pasting, games, and even some options for kids that are already practicing reading and writing.
Lessons generally take less than 20 minutes, so it is your choice whether you’d like to work just once a day or if you’d rather do it twice a day, once in the morning and once again in the afternoon or evening. There are so many ways to use this program and it is very flexible.
Up to 5 children can be tracked at one time under a single lifetime account. Once a child outgrows or finishes it, it can be used with younger siblings as well. I love that there is no need to repurchase it!
La La Logic can be used on PCs, Macs, tablets, and even mobile devices. It was great to be able to use it on a touch screen for my little guy, and it can be taken on the go this way, too. Why not have your child work on something educational when they have a chance at screen time?
The current pricing of the program is just $29 for lifetime access, and they do have a 30 day guarantee if you aren’t satisfied. We have really enjoyed using it, and I’ll bet that your littles will love it, too.
How We Used La La Logic
We started Charlie out on Week 1 and moved on from there. They have the program divided into sets of 5 weeks each. There are a total of 20 sets, which is 100 weeks of curriculum.
Each week focuses on different skills, and my kids found that the lessons do tend to get more difficult as you move through the program, though it is gradual and remains very fun with a lot of positive reinforcement throughout the curriculum.
Once you choose the week you’d like to work on, just click on it and it takes you to a break down with some options as to which activities to work on.
Above is an example of our first week with Charlie. They have a suggested weekly schedule, which we found really easy to follow. It really only took about 10-15 minutes a day to do the activities. The Brain Challenge activities are all on the computer on the La La Logic website. As you can see, the different skills that they are working on are listed in the orange box so you know what they will be learning and practicing that week.
The Enrichment Set and Worksheet can be found in the download that you get from this page. These activities are brief and age appropriate. I found them to be simple enough to fit into even our busiest days. It’s great for some one on one practice working on the same skills they’re doing online. For my kids, they loved it because we rarely do preschool activities at home besides whatever they just do on their own. This became a special time with Mom to work on school just like their older siblings.
Also included in the download it a sheet that has a copy of the schedule (great if you are keeping a written record of what your child has been working on), as well as some places to write notes as to which activities your child liked best, what some challenges were, and what your goals are for the next week.
You can also write notes to save online with the “This Week’s Notes” feature online, though I couldn’t find a way to print any of those notes once saved besides printing the page you type it on.
Once your child has finished the week, you can check it off on there and save it. Then when you log back in to work on the next week, you can see where you left off to get started again.
If your little one prefers to just work on the online activities without stopping, there is a Continuous Brain Challenge Mode that allows them to just play until their heart is content! My kids liked the structure of set lessons, so we did not use this feature. I think it would be great to use after they have completed the program or for extra practice or fun.
What did we think of La La Logic?
We used this program on our touch screen desktop computer. This made it possible for my newly-turned 3 year old to easily complete the tasks. He doesn’t have great mouse skills yet. By using a touch screen, he could quickly and more accurately answer the questions on La La Logic.
Both of my sons that were using the program did enjoy their time on there. My 3 year old particularly liked the online activities. Even when he got things wrong, the program used positive reinforcement to encourage him to try again.
This is a really solid program. It is priced well so that all families can have access to great activities to help their preschoolers really think and develop skills to help them learn more effectively now and in the future.
We loved it and plan to continue using it!