I don't care who you are, where you've been, what you've been through, what demons you're fighting, what people have said, what your struggles are or have been.... YOU ARE AMAZING, JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!!! I hate when people feel like they are inadequate because of their circumstances, what other … [Read more...] about Hey you…. Yeah, you!!! YOU are amazing
RAQ: What are some great ways to teach our children about giving at Christmas time?
Giving at Christmas Time We all have hopes and dreams of our children growing up and changing the world and really making a mark for themselves out there.... why not start now? Even the smallest kiddo can truly make a difference! Why not help teach our children about giving at Christmas … [Read more...] about RAQ: What are some great ways to teach our children about giving at Christmas time?
RAQ: Where is the best place in Midland/Odessa to get a VBAC?
Alright, let me preface this by saying that I am not a medical professional, will never claim to be one, and that this is purely my opinion based on what I've experienced personally AND what I've experienced by assisting others in the area achieve a VBAC... nexus6 / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SAIn my … [Read more...] about RAQ: Where is the best place in Midland/Odessa to get a VBAC?
Have Your Way – A quick message for your weekend
I am posting this video up here... a friend had it in her blog and I'm posting it for any of you that are confused, suffering, hurting... Trust that He has a plan, my friends! … [Read more...] about Have Your Way – A quick message for your weekend
The Grossest Thanksgiving Ever!
Pink Sherbet Photography / People Photos / CC BY I hope you are all having a very nice Thanksgiving today! I hope your meal somewhat resembled the one in the picture. I know mine didn't! hahaha I wish I could say that mine was going well, but it sure isn't!! My youngest son has been on and off … [Read more...] about The Grossest Thanksgiving Ever!