Welcome, Everyone!
Alright! Welcome to my new blog…I started it because people are constantly asking me great questions and I love answering them! I figured that more than just one person could benefit from the information sometimes, so this blog was born.
Anyway, RAQ stands for Recently Asked Questions, but pronounce it “rack” – as in “Nice rack!”… I think it’s funny, so laugh along or don’t read… your choice. 😛
- id-iom / Art Photos / CC BY-NC
Some posts are going to be more profound than others… Some will just be short little things, others will be lengthy and full of links and/or other research.
Thanks for stopping in! I hope to keep this up to date since I’m already answering questions from people anyway! I might as well just share the info, right? 🙂

[…] I began it as a way to talk to people about things they were asking me. As time went on, I started doing […]