I would like to share with you what curriculum choices I made and used with my 4th grade son last year for our homeschooling year. Better late than never, right? For the 2019-2020 school year, my son Heath had a variety of assignments, including MANY review items. The following are the main things we used as our spine.
4th Grade Curriculum Choices
Teaching Textbooks – Math 5 – This was assigned for him to complete daily until done. I pay my kids .50 per A and $1 per 100 scored on quizzes throughout the year. 🙂 I also require my kids to use the corresponding workbook by Math 5 so that they have a place to show their work. You absolutely CAN print the ebook or have them use scratch paper, if you prefer, but I love the ease of the bound workbooks, so that’s what we use.
Dyslexia Gold Spelling – I had him complete this about 3 times per week, online.
Memoria Press Literature Guides – I did not have him complete EVERY single question in these guides. I used a highlighter to show him exactly what I expected him to do. He can be a bit inattentive, so I’d rather him answer fewer questions WELL than require him to answer every single question and get poorly thought out, forced answers. I’m sure many of you know what I mean!
EdAlive Typing – He did this 2-3 times per week. Unfortunately, my kids still peck at the keyboard no matter what I assign them to do, but I’m trying!
Revolting Writing (affiliate link)- I love this curriculum by Jennifer Cabrera. After hearing her speak at a homeschool convention and following her Hifalutin Homeschooling Facebook page and blog for years, I knew we needed this writing program! It includes copy work, vocabulary words, writing prompts, and drawing to complete. The fun part? Everything is gross or weird or otherwise revolting, which is a huge motivator for reluctant writers!!
Who Is/Was Books (affiliate link) – I assigned my son to read about one of these a week for history. He would have to write a paragraph about what he had learned or would have to tell me what he had learned that stood out to him. He liked the freedom to pick what he wanted to read about because I have a TON of these books from various sales over the past few years and grabbing them at $2-3 a piece.
For history, I also assigned him to read This Day in History a few times a week.
Science – We were pretty relaxed with science. Sometimes he helped an older sibling with experiments. Sometimes we did kits together. He did some things at co-op during the year that were STEM activities as well. I assigned Education City and Brain Pop lessons and videos often. He read Archimedes and the Door of Science (affiliate link). I also assigned him to “read science books” for 10-15 minutes several times a month. I have several shelves of science-related books to choose from and he enjoys that. I love the graphic novels I’ve found, but he also likes some of the illustrated encyclopedias and various specialized books.
We did a LOT more during the year, thanks to all of our review items, but those were our main things! Hopefully this has given you some ideas on how to homeschool a 4th grader.

I love that you shared these homeschool choices from the past year and not the current year because then we get the benefit of your hindsight in addition to all the excellent curriculum suggestions.